Marketing analyst

от 2 500 до 4 000 $ до вычета налогов

Требуемый опыт работы: 1–3 года

Полная занятость, полный день



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About us:

We are startup. Began as a part of IT-Agency. Now with 30 people in a team. We are growing x2 year by year. The target market is the USA (North America).

For 19 years, our founders have been working in the digital marketing space and can't imagine how to manage marketing without full-funnel multi-channel marketing analytics. It's the 2020s, but there's still no good solution. That's why we're building our proprietary solution that solves this problem for clients on a turnkey basis.

To do this, we are developing our own no-code cloud DWH explicitly designed for marketing analytics platform solutions and assembling a solid team of marketing analysts.

What you'll need to do:

Manage integration and development projects for Elly's end-to-end analytics clients in a team with a manager, expert and other analysts, from planning to handing over the project for support:

  • Understand what reports the client needs and understand their data;

  • Create report prototypes;

  • Compile technical specifications for customizing the client's external systems;

  • Configure data import, figure out how to combine data from different systems, and calculate the necessary client metrics;

  • Visualize data in Power BI;

  • Prepare project documentation;

  • Manage support projects and improve them according to client requests.

This role means a lot of work with clients for understand their business needs and data structure then to create together with developers team automatic reporting. This vacancy not about ML and neural networks.


  • Experience of working with external clients and build reports for them;

  • Experience in marketing analytics (you can build a sales funnel and come up with how to calculate it);

  • Creating reports and visualize data in Power BI;

  • SQL at the level of simple queries;

  • Experience with web analytics (GA UA, GA4, GTM) and advertising offices (Google Ads, FB/Instagram, VK, MyTarget, Yandex.Direct);

  • English language at Intermediate level or higher, Russian native speaker.


  • Remote work;

  • Salary for middle specialists from $2500, for seniors from $4000. Depending on the interview and test task results;

  • Must be available 5 days a week and have at least 5 working hours overlap with the team and clients;

  • Annual leave (twice a year for 2 weeks) + holidays;

  • Laptop, software, and anything else you may need for work;

  • Employment via Deel contract;

  • Payment of half the cost of reasonable training activities.

Hiring process:

Do you fit this role and want to join our team?

These are the following steps:

  1. Apply for a job →
  2. Complete a short survey about your experience →
  3. Meet our team at the 1st interview →
  4. Do a test assignment →
  5. Review results with our team →

Be hired and join us!

We value time, so the process takes up to two weeks, and our test assignments are paid regardless of the results.

Ключевые навыки

  • SQL
  • Power BI
  • Marketing Analysis
  • Google Analytics
  • Business English
  • API
  • Английский — B2 — Средне-продвинутый
  • Русский — C2 — В совершенстве

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Вакансия опубликована 24 июня 2024 в Сербии

Отзывы о компании

Оценка Dream Job
Ваши отзывы помогают людям принимать взвешенные карьерные решения
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Что говорят сотрудники

Преимущества и льготы
  • 16
    Удаленная работа
  • 15
    Своевременная оплата труда
Отзыв сотрудника
Июнь 2024
- Адекватный коллектив - люди, с которыми максимально комфортно общаться. Приятно, что все они ещё и отлично разбираются в своей области, у каждого можно чему-нибудь научиться. - Интересные проекты и карьерные возможности. Кейсы компании с сайта говорят сами за себя. - Командные синки и синки 1-1 с руководителям направления помогают своевременно обсуждать текучку, поддерживать контакт с командой и решать проблемы, если они появляются. Нравится, что, работая на удалëнке, не чувствуешь себя оторванным от всех. - Офисы на выезде в разных городах, на которых можно увидеть коллег за пределами монитора
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